Tuesday, 1 October 2013



If life was a bicycle race, I'd be a unicycle.

There is no shame in being single, most of the time.

If your family is anything like mine, first let me say, I'm sorry (see lovable maniacs blog). Then let me also acknowledge the asshole relative you have that feels the need to ask you about your love life each and every single time you see them.

For me, it's a yearly event that kicks me in the chin, emotionally speaking. Each Christmas a certain relative of mine, asks the same question. The first Christmas he asked me, was the year I broke up with my only real long term boyfriend. I was a mere 18. I was heartbroken, as we had split days before Christmas (aka I was dumped).

I walked into the family meeting place on Christmas Eve, mopey and sad I dragged myself in behind my parents, my sister, and her boyfriend (now husband). I met my cousins girlfriends and boyfriends, my uncles new wife, and then my relative looked at me and said, "so, where's you're boyfriend?"

I looked back at the door I just came through, looked at my relative and said "he's parking the car" in a very sarcastic tone.

My family laughed, and each year without fail, I get asked the same question over and over. I give the answer each time. The sad part is, I turn 31 next month and I've yet to have an actual boyfriend at Christmas. My relationships never seem to make it.

It's ok though, one day, maybe he will be out there, parking the car. However, I seem to stick close to my other idea, the idea that, he's not coming. Ever.

Each year I say the same thing and laugh about it, in fact it's a phrase other single friends of mine have borrowed. The question however, comes with a touch of shame, a feeling that there is something wrong with me.

Then I imagine a bicycle race. People riding down the course with two wheels, racing down the road. Then suddenly, in comes a rider on a unicycle, keeping a pace, following the road. Maybe the unicycle doesn't go as fast, maybe the rider of the unicycle doesn't get a medal.

But how much do you respect that rider? The one who goes it on a single wheel?!

I imagine they would make the front page of the sports section, and people would applaud their strength and courage.

So...for those of you out there riding the unicycle every day, remember this idea. Remember, You freaking ROCK.